What are we trusting God for in 2021?

When we think about our current reality—160 million Americans self-identify as post-Christian, only 2% of millennials possess a Biblical worldview, the US is the 4th largest unchurched nation in the world – we must ask ourselves, “What should we be investing in?”


Church Movements focuses on:

  1. connecting those far from God to Jesus
  2. helping every follower of Jesus normalize sharing the Gospel and making disciples
  3. partnering with pastors, missional leaders, and church-planters to increase capacity and confidence to multiply faith communities.

With this in mind, by God’s grace working through us in partnership, we are trusting the Lord to help establish 500 new faith communities (missional-discipleship groups or new churches) that move toward multiplication, train 5,000 in evangelism and faith community multiplication, and see 300 enter a coaching relationship that moves them toward multiplication. 

We hope that our staff, partners, and YOU can see yourself in these goals for 2021!

"In ten years, what do you expect will be different because Church Movements exists?"


Recently Church Movements represented all of North America on a panel hosted by Cru, Global Church Movements. Fellow panelists were in Jakarta, Cairo, and Panama! One of the questions we answered was this: In ten years, what do you expect will be different because Church Movements exists? We brought that question home to our US staff, and this is what they had to say:

  • People experiencing, “I never dreamed God could use me like this!”
  • Loss of the word ‘missionary’ because all believers are living on mission
  • Churches having a Kingdom mindset and partnering to reach the 160 million Americans who don’t know Jesus
  • Young people who had left church returning
  • Churches known for what we’re for over what we’re against because we care for people so well
  • 4th-generation discipleship becoming a typical experience
  • Churches multiplying to the third generation of faith communities and church-plants

Church Movements staff are creatively mobilizing believers toward that vision every day! We’d love to share some encouraging numbers from the last quarter:

  • 914 people heard a personal gospel presentation
  • 131 people prayed and received Christ
  • 270 people heard how to live a Spirit-filled life
  • 1,255 people were trained in evangelism and discipleship tools & strategies
  • 179 new discipleship groups were formed
  • 10 missional communities moved toward becoming churches

In the midst of a global pandemic, the Lord continues to do amazing things, and we have great anticipation for what He will do in 2021!

God is moving all throughout the U.S!

David, a CM staff member in Austin, TX, has helped develop a strategy for planting a cooperative prayer, care, share team in each neighborhood in his region of the metro area–a suburb with 180,000 people (93 neighborhoods). The first meeting with a city-wide prayer network of 20 churches was very promising!
The goal of the mission is to give every man, woman, and child in the Greater Austin Metro Area ongoing opportunities to see, hear, and respond to Jesus’ love for them, communicated by Christians living on mission individually and in community.
The vision includes organizing occasional prayer walks, serving local well-being initiatives, and strategic use of National Neighborhood Night Out and will mobilize at least one church for every 1,000 people and at least 1% of local believers for living on mission.

We are praying alongside David and are excited to see what God does!