Practical Helps for Sustaining Multiplication

Together on Mission –
One of the highest priorities of the Church is to accelerate the development of disciples and raise up leaders who advance the mission of Jesus. If our movements are to grow, we need to grow a culture where two things are true.
First, we need an environment in which evangelism and disciple making are normalized for followers of Jesus.
Second, we need healthy faith communities that can sustain multiplication.
{The article linked above was taken (in part) from a chapter on “making disciples” from Unwavering Resolve, and includes five practical principles that define this kind of culture.)
"Inspired that I CAN do this!"

One reason that we believe in the Becoming a CoJourner evangelism training workshop is the number of everyday believers who say things like, “I’m inspired that I CAN do this!” after a few hours of practical theology and equipping!
Recently 240 members of a congregation in Memphis were trained in using tools to begin spiritual conversations, like Soularium (pictured above). They were challenged to spend the next two weeks reaching out in their community by praying for, caring for, and sharing with their friends, neighbors, and coworkers.
At the 2-week check-in, an amazing 117 returned to celebrate stories of God at work!
Together, they are discovering the joy of seeing lives changed as their church develops a culture of normalizing evangelism!
7 Tips for Discovery Bible Study
Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a discipleship study which enables people to read the Bible and discover what it has to say to them. Its intentionally simple, memorable questions allow participants to understand the character of God, encourage them to obey what they are learning and help them to share it with others.
- Read the passage twice to allow more observation and recall.
- Ask them to retell the story before Discovery Discussion. You want to make sure that they understand what is happening in the text.
- Before Discovery Discussion, walk through the passage together to give them a chance to ask any questions (e.g., What is a Pharisee?).
- During Discovery Discussion, when they go off topic or say something inaccurate to the passage, simply ask “What did you see in the text that made you think or say that?”
- Don’t cross-reference. It could make them feel like they need to know more about the Bible to start reading it.
- Be patient. God will bring the fruit over time.
- Keep prayers short and simple. Christianese and lengthy prayers is not helpful.