SENT 6:7 gave me the tools, the motivation and a model!

As we mature in Christ, we discover that God has done two things that require a response. First, He has called us to Himself. Second, He has called us to others…both to help believers in these two callings, and to help non-believers in coming to these two callings (see Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 3:14). This part of our life with God (helping non-believers discover these two callings) is what Paul describes as the Ambassadorial role. So, the “job description” of any believer or church, three major categories exist: personal growth, evangelism, and discipleship.
The Goals of Sent 6:7
- Provide a place for personal growth, community and mission
- Equip all with personal ministry skills (CoJourner, Prayer-Care-Share lifestyle)
- Establish a rhythm for the disciple-making path / mobilizing followers of Jesus (3/3s method for interaction, simplicity and transferability)
- Reinforce healthy church function and multiplication
Overall Process of Sent 6:7
There are two options. The first process takes one month. It’s suggested for all those who follow Jesus. Becoming a CoJourner is a process to equip every believer to initiate everyday gospel-conversations. You will also become familiar with PURSUE – a web-based app that helps build the right foundations of faith, the Word and community in every follower of Jesus.
The second process takes 12 months. It’s suggested for all leaders who want to mobilize the church to multiply the church on the frontiers of mission. Sent 6:7 steps 1-4 is a process to equip leaders to initiate, build and multiply the local church, faith communities and discipleship groups.
Here is an overview of the Sent 6:7 process:
- Step 1: Becoming a CoJourner training (a 2-3 hour session, plus 2-3 weeks of application)
- Step 2: Check-in – A follow-up meeting of accountability and fellowship with an introduction to Sent 6:7 PURSUE – foundations for growth training (a 1.5-hour session)
- Step 3: Evangelism Movements (2-3 hour session)
- Step 4: Sent 6:7 – LAUNCH – preparing to lead (11 sessions) and Sent 6:7 – DEVELOP – peer-coaching among leaders (12 sessions to be used in coaching circles and/or self-directed study)
Training material of Sent 6:7
PURSUE 1 – Foundations for Growth: CALLED BY JESUS
PURSUE 2 – Foundations for Growth: BEING LIKE JESUS
52 selected stories from the Gospels.
I. Period 1 Preparation Summary: Becoming the person you seek to multiply, Preparing for a godly life and movement of multiplication.
- 1. Jesus fully God becomes fully man: John 1:1-14
- 2. Jesus as a Baby (Incarnation): John 1:14-18
- 3. Jesus as a Child: Matthew 2:1-18
- 4. Jesus as a Boy: Luke 2:39-52; Matthew 2:19-23
- 5. Jesus as a Young Man and Carpenter/Builder: Matthew 13:55-56; Psalm 69:7-12; Mark 6:3
II. Period 2 Ministry Foundations: Establishing a relational, God-centered foundation for making disciples.
- 6. Jesus’ Identity Revealed: Matthew 3:13-17
- 7. Jesus and God’s Word: Luke 4:1-13
- 8. Come and See; Follow Me: John 1:19-51
- 9. A Real Family: John 2:1-11
- 10. Passion Revealed at the Temple: John 2:12-25
- 11. A Nighttime Inquiry: John 3:1-21
- 12. The Source of Real Joy: John 3:22-35
- 13. The Harvest is Ripe: John 4:1-42
- 14. Real Faith: John 4:43-54
- 15. Without Faith: Luke 4:16-30
III. Period 3 Ministry Training: runs for 6-9 months
IV. Period 4 Expanded Outreach: runs parallel with Phase 3 (6-9 months). At the same time as Jesus recruits an initial ministry team to share in the work of mission, he generates opportunities for their ‘field training’ through local (Mk 1:21-34) and regional outreaches and expanded campaigns (Mk 1:35-39).
- 16. Jesus on the Move: Matthew 4:12-17
- 17. Fishers of Men: Mark 1:16-20
- 18. Fishing for Men Expedition One: Mark 1:21-28
- 19. Fishing for Men Expedition Two: Mark 1 :29-39
- 20. Fishing for Men Expedition Three: Luke 5:1-11
- 21. Fishing for Men Expedition Four: Luke 5:12-16
- 22. Fishing for Men Expedition Five: Luke 5:17-26
- 23. Fishing for Men Expedition Six: Luke 5:27-39
- 24. To Tell the Truth: John 5:1-17
- 25. Jesus, the Truth-Teller: John 5:16-47
V. Period 5 Leadership Multiplication: Runs for around 15 months, commencing with the appointing of the 12 as Apostles being effectively apprentice leaders within the wider group of ministry workers and a still larger group of followers and seekers
- 26. Choosing Apprentice Leaders: Luke 6:12-19
- 27. Leadership Expectations: Luke 6:20-26
- 28. The Father’s Plan: Luke 6:27-49
- 29. Leadership and Authority: Luke 7:1-10
- 30. Leadership Misunderstood: Luke 7:18-35
- 31. Forgiveness and Leadership: Luke 7:36 – 8:3
- 32. Leadership and Faith: Mark 4:35-41
- 33. Leadership and Spiritual Strongholds: Mark 5:1-20
- 34. Sending Leaders: Luke 9:1-6; Matthew 10:5-23
- 35. Leading while Grieving: Matthew 14:1-14; Mark 6:30
- 36. Leadership and Provision: John 6:1-14
- 37. Leadership and Fear: Matthew 14:22-33
- 38. Harvest of a transformed life: Mark 7:31-8:9
- 39. Leadership Retreat and Evaluation: Matthew 16:13-28
- 40. Multiplication by Narrowing Focus: Luke 9:28-36
- 41. Leadership, Grace and Compassion: John 7:1-8:11
- 42. Jesus, Light of the World: John 9:1-41
- 43. Leadership Multiplication: Luke 10:1-42
- 44. Unleavened Leadership: Luke 12:1-12
- 45. Leadership is Stewardship: Luke 19:1-27
- 46. Passionate Leadership: Luke 19:28-48
- 47. Servant Leadership: John 13:1-38
- 48. Submissive Leadership: John 14:1-31; Matthew 26:36-46
- 49. Crucified Leadership: John 19:13-30; Matthew 27:45-46
- 50. Resurrection Leadership: John 19:31-20:31
- 51. Shepherding Leadership: John 21:1-25
- 52. Obedient Leadership: Matthew 28:16-20;
PURSUE 3 – Foundations for Growth: SENT LIKE JESUS
54 selected stories from the Book of Acts.
I. Period 1: Consequences of Kingdom Explosion in Jerusalem [30-32 AD]
- 1. Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven Acts 1:1-11
- 2. Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas Acts 1:12-26
- 3. The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost Acts 2:1-13
- 4. Peter Addresses the Crowd Acts 2:14-41
- 5. Believer’s Form a Missional Community: Acts 2:42-47
- 6. Jesus uses Peter and John to Heal a Crippled Beggar: Acts 3:1-26
- 7. Boldness in the Face of Persecution: Acts 4:1-31
- 8. Pursuing the Heart of Jesus with Integrity: Acts 4:32-5:11
- 9. Successful Ministry brings Persecution: Acts 5:12-42
- 10. More Leaders Needed: Acts 6:1-7
- 11. Stephen is Arrested: Acts 6:8-15
- 12. Stephen’s Defense Before the Council: Acts 7:1-53
- 13. Stephen Murdered and Believers Scattered Acts 7:54-8:3
II. Period 2: Jesus’ Heart for All People (Crossing Cultural Boundaries) [32-45]
- 14. Philip Makes Disciples and Plants a Church in Samaria: Acts 8:4-25
- 15. The Spirit Directs Philip to a Strategic Person of Peace: Acts 8:26-40
- 16. Saul Meets Jesus: Acts 9:1-19
- 17. Saul in Damascus and Jerusalem: Acts 9:20-31
- 18. Peter Visits Believers in Judea: Acts 9:32-43
- 19. Jesus Prepares Hearts: Acts 10:1-33
- 20. Good News Crosses Cultural Barriers: Acts 10:34-48
- 21. Peter Explains His Actions: Acts 11:1-18
- 22. The Church in Antioch of Syria: Acts 11:19-30
- 23. King Herod Persecutes Leaders and God Responds: Acts 12:1-25
III. Period 3: Expanding to New Territories (1st Missionary Journey from Antioch) [46-48 AD]
- 24. Leaders Released for Mission Expansion: Acts 13:1-12
- 25. Church Planted in Capital of Galatia (Pisidian Antioch) Acts 13:13-43
- 26. Jesus Shifts the Focus to Responsive Gentiles: Acts 13:44-52
- 27. Church Planted in Regional CIty of Galatia (Iconium): Acts 14:1-7
- 28. Church Planted in Rural Towns of Galatia (Lystra and Derbe): Acts 14:8-20
- 29. Return to Strengthen Disciples and Appoint Leaders: Acts 14:21-28
- 30. Leaders Discern God’s will for Gentile Expansion: Acts 15:1-35
IV. Period 4: Training Leaders for New Movement Centers (2nd Missionary Journey from Antioch) (49 – 51 AD)
- 31. Disagreement Leads to New Teams: Acts 15:36-16:5
- 32. Led by Jesus to Macedonia (Eastern Europe): Acts 16:6-15
- 33. Persons of Peace in Unlikely Places: Acts 16:16-40
- 34. Church Planting in Capital of Macedonia (Thessalonica): Acts 17:1-15
- 35. Church Planting in Pagan Religious Center (Athens): Acts 17:16-34
- 36. Church Planting in Capital of Achaia (Corinth): Acts 18:1-22
V. Period 5: Sending, Multiplying and Coaching Movements (3rd Missionary Journey from Antioch) [52 -57 AD]
- 37. Disciples Make more Disciples: Acts 18:23-28
- 38. Church Planting in Capital of Asia (Ephesus): Acts 19: 1-10
- 39. Believers Turn from Old Practices: Acts 19:11-22
- 40. Kingdom Impacts the Economy in Ephesus: Acts 19:23-41
- 41. Visits to Strengthen the Churches (Macedonia and Achaia): Acts 20:1-12
- 42. Final Instructions for Ephesians Elders: Acts 20:13-38
VI. Period 6: Representing the Movement of Jesus [57- 62 AD]43. Visits to Disciples on the Way to Jerusalem: Acts 21:1-26
- 44. Paul Arrested Acts 21:27-36
- 45. Paul’s Testimony to the Jews: Acts 21:37-22:21
- 46. Paul Questioned by Authorities: Acts 22:22-23:11
- 47. The Plot to Kill Paul Acts 23:12-35
- 48. Paul Gives Testimony to Roman Governor Felix: Acts 24-1-27
- 49. Paul Gives Testimony to the new Roman Governor Festus: Acts 25:1-22
- 50. Paul Gives Testimony to King Agrippa: Acts 25:23-26:32
- 51. Trusting Jesus in Dangerous Circumstances: Acts 27:1-26
- 52. Jesus’ Faithfulness to His Promise: Acts: 27:27-44
- 53. Ministry while on Island of Malta: Acts 28:1-10
- 54. Ministry While Under House Arrest in Rome: Acts 28:11-31
Principles of 'Sent 6:7'
We need to constantly initiate and engage in spiritual conversations with the world.
New believers have many friends who do not yet know Christ. They have just tasted the grace and love of God. They have passion to share the love of God with their friends.
Every believer can take part. God distributes gifts according to His plan. Mobilization depends on relationships, being spiritually dependent and quality training. Therefore, all can be sent.
God is already at work in so many places. Find out where and how God is at work. If God is working in your area, invite others to come and learn from you.
Remember, it is difficult to transfer complex content and process. Multiplication depends on the transferability of the tools, strategies, content and process you have.
Relationships and training go together. Without effective on-the-job coaching fruitfulness is hard to sustain.
Making disciples who make disciples is fueled by passion for evangelism, and the ability to identify, train and coach potential church planters from newly established churches and missional communities.
Jesus told us that we can do nothing without Him (John 15:6). We must abide in Christ and partner with Him as He builds His victorious Church. We must mobilize prayers, walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, and believe in God for greater things (John 14:12-17).