It is essential for every Church Movements staff to understand and to get trained in the Sent 6:7 process. This process and its tools are essential for us to pursue our mission. During this short module we will only be able to briefly introduce the goals and the process of Sent 6:7.
Sent 6:7 Steps 1-4 is a process to equip people to initiate, build and multiply the local church, faith communities & discipleship groups, so that every follower of Jesus has a place for connection, growth and equipping. This is vital for the vision of everyone knowing someone who truly follows Jesus.
As we mature in Christ, we discover that God has done two things that require a response. First, He has called us to Himself. Second, He has called us to others…both to help believers in these two callings, and to help non-believers in coming to these two callings (see Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 3:14). This part of our life with God (helping non-believers discover these two callings) is what Paul describes as the Ambassadorial role. So, for the “job description” of any believer or church, three major categories exist: personal growth, evangelism, and discipleship.
Please, take 3 minutes to watch this video to learn more about Sent 6:7.