Topic #2: Church Movements Staff Reporting

Regional Directors

Regional Directors oversee the overall needs and development of the staff in their region. They  also fill high-level supervisory responsibilities for their staff such as approving extended time off, excusing staff from mandatory meetings of conferences, and addressing other personal staff issues. 

Position Focus Leader / Supervisor

Each staff member is assigned to a Position Focus (PF) Leader who fulfills a coaching role for each staff. This leader will help staff assess ministry and personal goals and objectives for the upcoming year, and ensure goals are in alignment with CM vision and core contributions. Position Focus Leaders are generally a staff member’s Concur approver as well (approving Staff Card / Ministry Card expenses.)

PF leaders will meet with the staff 3-4 times / year.

Cohort Leaders

Two staff members who serve as facilitators (not supervisors) lead each Cohort. Cohorts are a small group of CM staff that meet 7 times/year for connection, to increase our missional effectiveness, and invest in our leadership development.

Cohort meetings are required meetings for all full-time CM staff.

Who is my Regional Director, Cohort Leader and Position Focus Leader?

At this link you can find the names of the Regional Directors and their Regions, Cohort Leaders and their Cohort members and Position Focus leaders along with the names of staff they are responsible for.