Topic #4: Four Fields, 3/3 & DBS – key concepts to know

There are several key recurring concepts throughout the Sent 6:7 process and in the church-planting world. Here you can familiarize yourself with those concepts.

Four Fields

The first concept is 4 Fields. Please watch this video to understand 4 Fields.

CM Promo Card 2023 - Front-02

The 3/3 (Three-thirds) method

Watch this film to understand 3/3 methods.

Discovery Bible Study (DBS)

Discovery Bible Study, or DBS, is a study method that relies on the Bible itself, rather than the leader, to do the heavy lifting of discipleship. On the surface, DBS is simply reading a Bible passage and responding with a series of questions.

We are using three simple questions each time we study a passage throughout the whole Sent 6:7 curriculum:

  • What caught your attention and why?
  • What can we learn about God or people?
  • How can we live differently in light of this passage?