Stories of partnership, changed lives and church multiplication.


In the City for the City is a three prong strategic initiative to develop and mobilize young leaders for the work of city transformation through city gospel movements utilizing Summer Missions, an Intern-Fellowship Program and Campus Ministry Alumni Mobilization

what is the mission of gCm?

Dr. Bekele Shanko, Vice President of Cru, Director of Global Church Movements explains our vision.

Partnering with cru

Dr. Evelyn Hill, Community Engagement Director of Avenue of Life describes what is it like partner with Cru and how this partnership served the community and advanced the mission of Jesus.

collaboration blesses our city

A story of how partnering will bring blessing to the most broken in our city.

Multiplying Faith Communities

Stories of how the simple multiplication process of “Sent 6:7” can be utilized to multiply faith communities.

Partnering to equip

Stories & testimonies of how partnership advance the mission of Jesus as we equip believers together to start spiritual conversations utilizing The Changing Face of Evangelism and the Well-being of the City training.

A changed life on mission

in the city for the city

In the City for the City is a three prong strategic initiative to develop and mobilize young leaders for the work of city transformation through city gospel movements utilizing Summer Missions, an Intern-Fellowship Program and Campus Ministry Alumni Mobilization

In the City

Story of how serving in the city is crucial and requires renewed understanding of God’s heart for the city.

City leadership networks

Voices in the City: Haleigh

Voices in the City: Travis